Family using laptop on sofa

Free online learning for all the family - Join our courses for parents of 0-5s

We are really pleased to be able to offer parents various free online sessions and courses — all delivered by professional early years experts — to help you support your child's development. 

We are currently offering our courses for free, thanks to support from the Department for Education:

Family Connect online sessions — Family Connects are one-off online events that provide an opportunity to connect with other parents and carers via Zoom and learn about topics relevant to families and children aged 0-5. The sessions are a chance to share ideas in how to support children’s early education and each other. 

Confident communicators to tiny talkers — This is one live session, plus access to a bank of other resources. The programme offers a personal approach to family learning and will help you better understand how children like to learn. By taking part in a variety of fun activities together, the sessions will help improve communication between you and your child. Plus, you'll have the chance to learn in small groups and meet and connect with other families online.

Being Together, My Baby and Me — A free online virtual three-week programme especially designed for families with babies. This online programme combines advice on baby’s learning and development with post-natal support for new parents.

Bumps to Babies: supporting learning through pregnancy and beyond — A one-hour session where we will discuss why the first 1001 days from conception to 2 years are so important and share ideas about how you can start to support your babies learning during pregnancy.


Family Connect button  Confident communicators to tiny talkers button Baby and Me button


Free resources for families

Family Sessions on YouTube

Family Time Tips activities

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